8:00 AM
Present: Rena Weber, Larry Lahr, Dan Coughlin, Bob Murphy, Scott Schroeder, Randy Thoreson, John Peck, Duane Kuss, and Angie Haag.
I. Introductions
II. September 7, 2005 Meeting Recap
III. Status Report on Resolution Consideration
A. Cold Spring
Will be accepting the resolution at tonight’s meeting (10/5)
B. Richmond
Will be discussing and hopefully accepting at tomorrow night’s meeting (10/6)
C. Rockville
Weber reported that the Council did pass the resolution on a 4-2 vote. It was felt that lack of knowledge about the project and the cost issue of purchasing right-of-way influenced the voting. Since then information about the project was highlighted in their City Newsletter.
D. Rocori School District
It was unknown if the district formally passed the resolution or if they stated that they are in support of the project. It will be researched to see if the resolution had been adopted, and if not will see if it could be adopted.
E. Stearns County
It was unknown if the Stearns County Board had approved the resolution. Follow-up would be done with Vince Schaefer on the status of the resolution being approved.
F. Wakefield Township
The resolution had been discussed at their previous meeting but it was not passed. It was determined that Rena would contact them to have to get the resolution onto their October 6th agenda and that she and Dan would attend the meeting to answer questions they might have.
IV. Railroad Update
Pete was not able to make it to the meeting.
V. Corridor Update
Larry reported that he and Chuck had met with the Granite Company and they seemed open to giving an easement and even relocating paved roads to make it happen. He intends to see if Cold Spring Granite is willing to provide a support letter to be submitted with the grant application. Larry commented that he will be meeting with Mitch Anderson from the County and Chuck to discuss right of way along County Road 158, at this point it looks good that corridor between Richmond and Cold Spring can be secured.
VI. Parks Service Request Update
Randy reported that the application was submitted and that our project meets the criteria and that all the correct elements are present. At this time they had not made a decision on which projects were selected.
VII. Public Meeting/Outreach Preparations
A. Meeting Date -Thursday, October 27, 2005, 7-9:00 p.m.
B. Location- Rocori High School Cafeteria
C. Program
1. Panelists- Scott Schroder, DNR; Chuck Wocken, Stearns County Park Board; someone from the school; someone from the snowmobilers association; engineering consultant Heidi Pepper; Randy Thoreson, National Park Service. Duane Kuss accepted being the moderator. It was suggested that a person would be needed to provide a success story of working on a trail project, Michael Doyle was suggested as he is part of the user group of the Minnesota Trail Users Association and State Bike Advisory Committee. It was also suggested that each person on the panel know their role for providing comments during the opening discussion.
It was discussed that Heidi would likely do a power point presentation for the overview of the project and that other entities presentations or comments would not need to be that elaborate. It was suggested that Heidi also label a map to present which would show state owned land, and other key land markers. It was also thought that they could provide large signs for the display tables with the agency’s names on them.
2. Schedule-
7:00-8:00 Panel discussion/question and answer period
8:00-9:00 Open House
3. Miscellaneous Preparation
Kevin Mooney will take photographs along the corridor, if he is unable Rena will contact Bruce Conrad to see if he will be willing to do it.
Rena will provide the trail mix and will research getting bottled Rocori water for refreshments. Larry will find out if the school district can provide coffee.
Bob Murphy and John Peck will host the welcome table where fact sheets will be available along with comment cards. Rena will make copies from the templates that Randy has from other meetings.
Duane Kuss will provide the technical equipment to do a photo loop presentation of the photos that Kevin Mooney or Bruce Conrad will provide. Duane will also create blogs and post the press release on his website.
Larry and Angie will prepare a press release to be distributed to the local newspapers, radio stations, channel 10 bulletin board, website, calendar of events, marquee sign, local cities bulletin boards, and civic groups such as the chambers of commerce, Lions, and Jaycees. In addition they will create the program for the open house night, which Randy would like to see a draft of to make comments. Larry will also send out email addresses so that people can stay in contact with one another on related tasks.
It was suggested that someone from the health field be on the panel or have a display table. Roma Steil from Stearns County Public Health was suggested. Duane volunteered to check with the Granite Company to see if their health care provider would be interested, John said he would check with Health Partners, and Randy will provide health pamphlets.
It was discussed that Heidi would likely do a power point presentation for the overview of the project and that other entities presentations or comments would not need to be that elaborate. It was suggested that Heidi also label a map to present which would show state owned land, and other key land markers. It was also thought that they could provide large signs for the display tables with the agency’s names on them.
Next meeting -Wednesday, November 2, at 8:00 a.m. at Rockville City Hall.
# posted by Duane Kuss @ 1:36 PM