Monday, March 21, 2005
Social Action Committee Meeting
February 28, 2005 Minutes
Members present: Becky Hooper, Michelle Prow, Ann Doresy, Liz Brannan, Liz Kruger, Mary Steil Betty Johnson, Eileen Froehle, Karen Minnerath,
Guest: Jeff Fromm was here to answer questions we have.
1. Fees:
-The 8% fee is for “whatever revenues we have”
-Jeff is only with Faith in Action to get the resources out, but isn’t under FIA as a fiscal host. He is using Mother of Mercy in Albany as his 501C3. We would have to contact Bob Wickens to engage under a contract with Jeff because of the fiscal hosting. There would also be a fiscal hosting fee. Example; if the a company gave us $1000.00 it would actually go from Mother of Mercy to Faith in Action (Jeff) to us. We would really be getting $1000.00 less 8% and anywhere from 2-10%. The % comes from how much the fiscal host would have to do with this money.
-Jeff’s 501C3 papers are in the mail, it could take some time before they are accepted
-The Faith in Action Board approved a $35000.00 budget for fiscal 2005-2006
-There is $7000.00 and random $100.00 is secure, the rest is pending
-Jeff has three grants out at this point
-Fiscal funding is up in June; RW Johnson has only 30 months left
-There would be other fees as well.
-Background checks are now done as a favor through Jeff
-Motor Vehicle checks are at a cost of $1.00
-Auto liability insurance is $2.00/person/year
2. Policy and Procedures:
-Training’s are in place, but will be expanding as we need them to
-Initial visit with a prospective volunteer
-Other training’s are available
-Aging dynamics
-Family systems
-Manuals available:
-As Families grow older
-Caring to help others
- Elderburry
-Be-friender ministry
*Jeff draws from these sources and changes policies as needed. Has mostly done individual training, not group
-Uses a service agreement that must be signed and also has a used things from ‘extra-net’
-Once we are ‘on board’ we will have an operational orientation
-When we seen a need of a procedure we can develop it
-Lois may be able to share paperwork if we need it
3. Grants
- Will help with grants
-Is happy to help in any way with funding
-As of right now, he will be writing grants, and later we will be taking over
-Tracking and data collection will be initially done by us
-Jeff will have forms and with the coordinator will be coming up with what will work for us the best
4. Other
-We are the first of our kind
-other volunteers, but nothing as organized as us
-Jeff wants neighborhoods to take care of themselves, hence the liking of having FIA hubs
-Jeff wants us to just get started...he is very excited about this
-Realistically, we couldn’t get a coordinator in a paid position until we have our finical situation under control
-Betty announced that Jan could MOST LIKELY (after board approval) use the nursing home’s 501C3.
-Here we wouldn’t have administration costs
-wouldn’t have to get a computer
-Shows sustainability
-We would like to tweak some of Jeff’s procedures
-We would also like a face to face interview, phone isn’t enough
-We would also like to discuss with 2020 a connection with both agencies, thus promoting local control
Next meeting: April 11, 2005 6:30pm