Tuesday, April 25, 2006


20/20 Steering Committee Seeks New Members

The year 2003 was coming to a close and Cold Spring had been selected to host a community planning process by both the Minnesota Design Team and the Healthy Communities Partnership, a part of the Initiative Foundation. A core group of 10 Cold Spring area residents acted as a steering committee to get the program moving.

It is now well into 2006 and 7 of the original 10 steering committee members who started the process back in early 2004, are still working diligently to keep the 20/20 Vision moving forward in Cold Spring. "It's been a very rewarding journey for us," said co-chair Kay Cook. "There have been so many wonderful people who have contributed to the project over the past 3 years. It makes one proud to be a part of the community."

The community visioning process of 2004 prompted the creation of six 20/20 Action Teams. These included Arts & Culture, Design Standards, Land Use, Natural Resources, Tourism & Commerce and Social Action. These groups each established goals and action plans based on the priorities created during the visioning process.

Some of the accomplishments of the 20/20 Action Teams include: the establishment of a 30 member community band, new zoning and building design ordinances, the ROCORI Trail project, rain gardens in the new Lions Park, a local Faith In Action program, and an enhanced Chain of Lakes magazine that included stories about our historical and cultural past. Even the new Farmer's Market that will launch in June had its beginnings in the 20/20 Visioning process.

The 20/20 Steering committee is presently accepting applications for new members from the community. The group will soon be approving organizational by-laws which will include 3 year membership terms. If you have an interest in making a difference in the future of Cold Spring, please contact committee co-chair Duane Kuss at 685-8603 or visit the 20/20 website at www.2020coldspring.com for a copy of the membership application.

Membership Application (PDF)

Monday, April 17, 2006


Steering Committee Meeting

Steering Committee Meeting
April 11, 2006

Present: Duane Kuss, Mark Grelson, Betty Johnson, Carrie Tripp, Dave Olson, Ken Wendinger, Rita Hennen, Kay Cook and Mike Scharenbroich with Larry Lahr joining to answer some questions.

The minutes will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Treasurer's report was given by Ken Wendinger reporting a deficit of $97.62. This does not include the money from the Expo Breakfast or the grant from the city. Mark moved acceptance of the report, Rita seconded, motion carried. Nadine and Larry will work on the $500 city grant for 2020.

Status of presentations: Ken has scheduled some for May as has Dave. Mark made a presentation to the Girl Scout leaders and reported they are very interested in our group. Rita reported Homepride Lions are making it a line item in their budget for next year. Kay will be making a presentation to Peace Lutheran's POPs group at the April meeting. Kay will update listing and attach to minutes.

Breakfast recap: Duane thought it was a phenomenal success and commended Rita on her hard work. She reported around 300 attended. Next Expo is scheduled for March 17, 2007 with focus on health, home & garden, yamjam with speakers on the _ hour.

Intern Report:
• Mike has written info translated to Spanish to be used as a welcome packet which is much needed. There was discussion on student involvement in getting information into the Hispanic community. Betty reported on Sartell's packet being translated and she will keep in contact with them.
• Mike is working to set up meeting with City and Wakefield Township acting as a facilitator. He has talked with St Joe and Avon to get their take on working with cities and townships.
• Results of survey: Mike feels results of survey show we are on the right track and meeting with contacts from non-profits is a plus. We may act as a hub or mediator which other committees will move around. 2020 is being recognized as a leader in the area. There was lots of interest at the Expo.
• He will attend a meeting of the Hispanic Ministry Group in May which will be an information meeting and coffee all invited to come.
• His last day is May 21.

The Farmer's Market is off and running.

Carrie stressed the need for representation at the April 25 celebration of HCP by Initiative Foundation. Dave, Rita and Kay interested in attending. To actively access grant we need a vote with Larry present. We need to present bills to city who will send in. We must abide by the rules of the grants.

A fax from Nadine was received. She states that Mel Elmor is interested in our group but was unable to attend today. There is no final profit amount yet from the breakfast. She requested an article be put in the paper announcing open positions on the Steering Committee. Duane will provide article to Record. Rita made a motion to lay out board into 1, 2 and 3 year terms to get on a three year rotation which should be incorporated into article. Dave seconded, motion carried.

Rita requested consideration of bringing forward the bylaws for review and adoption. Kay will attach to the minutes.

Committee Reports:
Arts and Culture…Mark reported music studio at high school is in the works where recording sessions could be held. The film festival is not going over. They are pursuing a Marshall Field's grant for $5000. Historic ideas could probably be incorporated with the Sesquintennial; the library is doing their own thing. The band started practicing last month and plan to play at Homepride Days and other community events.

Land Use …Since this is the first part of the comprehensive plan the transportation plan has to happen. The west side of the ring road has a certain amount of agreement to move forward. Need to restart meetings between Wakefield Township and the City of Cold Spring. 2020 may take the position as a catalyst to bridge communications.

Design Standards…The zoning map is in final stages and will be going to the council then will be put out by the end of the month. Cold Spring Granite's property is zoned Industrial and they will get the city involved in the downtown sight. Their move is scheduled to be complete by 1-1-07.

Social Action…Betty reported that six from her group attended a workshop on volunteerism in March at West Central Interaction in Willmar - Creating Cultural Awareness. They have about 20 volunteers and Assumption Campus has received a few requests.

Tourism…The June Chamber Lunch will have Sen. Fischbach as guest speaker. The chamber is working on a new brochure; they may rent a tent for Hometown pride Days to display historic photos of businesses over the years. The Visitor's Center sign should be on the road this month. We have not been contacted for input on the COL guide. There is still a question as to the placement of the granite sign removed during the Highway 23 construction.

Natural Resources…Kay reported that there are monies being made available for parks and trails however the Glacier Trail did not receive funding from the state this year. She said there is some focused action regarding service and source water improvement.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Cook

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