Thursday, May 19, 2005
Social Action Committee Meeting
May 16, 2005 Minutes
Members present: Betty Johnson, Liz Kruger, Mary Steil, Michelle Prow, April Stadtler, Eileen Froehle, Liz Brannan, and Karen Minnerath
From what we know, Jeff is now just doing grant writing for Faith In Action, and what sounds like his job is posted to be filled.
Becky told Jeff that the committee wanted to help Jeff and Rural Stearns Faith In Action function better in Cold Spring.
Jeff was asked to join this meeting, however declined and said he had told us how to promote, get volunteers and be self-sufficient already.
When asked about using the Assumption Nursing Home as a local number to field calls, Jeff expressed concern that we would be in violation of HIPPA, because we would be giving information too to another agency unless there was a memorandum of understanding signed. As a group, we were a little confused by this statement. We can give out the 1-800 number from a local line.
Jeff said he would still be willing to do some training for us during our October push, Lois Gates could also help with this.
Could we work under Assumption home’s 501c3 and function as our own?
We looked at staying with RSFIA and if there is no person in Jeff’s position, we would be kind of stuck where we are until a new person was hired.
Betty would discuss this with Jan and the Assumption board would have to approve this. (next assumption meeting: Tuesday, May 23)
The only Assumption staff time we would be asking for is to answer the phones. Everything else would be provided by us.
We would look at focusing under ONE category of need to begin with. This way, we would not need a ton of start up money. Once we are established, we can move forward and expand.
The 2020 team looks to us as a positive and would probably be willing to look for more money as we expand.
If we went under Assumption we would have to look at labiality insurance, especially if we do a transportation type thing. Michelle said she would talk to Lois to see what she pays for that type of insurance.
Liz B suggested doing some sort of survey; however there was a survey of needs done by 2020 a year ago.
We need to for comities and decide:
What type of structure we can get in place
i. Discussed talks between Lois and Jan to get the logistics sorted through.
ii. After that discussion, Jan would need to go to her board for approval and for the board to decide on what type of commitment we need between the two agencies
Marketing plans and promotional outlooks
Trainings and volunteer appreciations
Orientation packets for volunteers and care recipients
Logo “Cold Spring Connection” Liz will work on this
Still looking for volunteers to be ‘on call’
Have them fill out volunteer applications
Let them know we will use them as soon as possible, and suggest that Lois in St. Cloud might have some immediate openings until we are up and running.
Design team is here on June 25th from 8-12pm at the Lions Park
We need to have an update for them
Congregational Inventory
Put together by the Central MN Council on Aging
Something to look over so we can contact community parishes
Next meeting and BABY SHOWER FOR APRIL!!!!!
June 1st @ 6pm! Eating, short meeting and fun in the Granite Room!